




两人高潮后躺在床上,空气中弥漫着性爱和汗液的味道,李晗的嫩穴仍然有一股一股的精液流淌出来,is摩挲着李晗的后背,“how do you feel han?”

“good, and tired…what about yourself?”

“yeh, feel great”,说罢is起身抱起李晗去往浴室,两人一同冲洗掉身上残留的爱液,is冲洗着李晗的私密处,亲吻着她的花丛…

出来浴室,李晗套上宽松的t恤,is穿着内裤,两人准备做晚饭… is问道“ hey han, can we talk for a send?”

“sure, what’s up?”

“do you like ? how do you thk about ?”

“yeh, i like you i thk you are really sweet~”

“do you want to be a serio retionship with ?”

“h why you ask? h i’ not sure, we jt knew each other, of urse we t along very well, i know that but i’ not sure if i want to be a serio retionship on… al actually i tended to date different people, didn’t know we can t along well…”

“ok… you want to date different people? like what kd of?”

“i don’t know… i guess the pot is jt i didn’t thk about ttg to a retionship on, and i do like you tho”

“ok, got it…”is准备穿上衣服离开。

“ aren’t you gonna stay and have dner tother?”

“no han, i understand what you an but i need ti, will call you ter okay?”说完is亲吻了李晗的额头便离开了。





“hi y na is joe, head chef of the restaurant, nice to et you”

“hii’ han, nice to et you too isn’t that too young to be a head chef”

“well you tell , how the steak tastes?”

“ actually it tastes pretty good, juicy and oked perfect!”, 李晗喝掉酒杯里最后的红酒, 还没开口点下一杯,joe已经帮忙点了一杯。

“ you look sad, sittg here drkg and havg dner by yourself”

“yeh, kd of, but not a big deal how long you been workg here?”

“h, 5 years? that’s y restaurant actually”

“wow, that’s ipressive”

“what about you?”

“i’ an engeer, jt oved here fro cha few weeks ago”

“i see, how do you like here? is everyone nice to you?”

“yeh, ost are haha”

“alright, cheers for your new adventure”两人说完便干杯将酒饮尽…

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